Parents and Friends

All parents are most welcome to join the Parents & Friends Association. Your support is also sought for fundraising activities, eg. pie and hot dog days etc., the proceeds of which go directly towards improvements to the school and the purchase of additional equipment.

The P & F is seen as a vital part to the fabric of the school community ensuring that the school continues to achieve great results into the future. It is also a great way to meet other school families and actively contribute to the school community.

Fundraising and Special Events

All parents/ carers are welcome to attend P&F meetings to contribute to fundraising ideas, facilitating school events and/ or supporting school fundraising. Over the years, Corpus Christi P&F has raised funds to purchase DT equipment, games, playground equipment and other items for our school. The school and children are very appreciative of P&F support! Some events run by the P&F include:

  • School Discos
  • Mother’s Day raffle and Gift Stall
  • Fathers Day raffle and Gift Stalls
  • Easter and Christmas Raffles
  • Subway Lunch days
  • Trivia Nights
  • Other fundraising events.