Special Medical Conditions

Parents of children who have special needs in regard to medical conditions need to keep the school informed of those special needs including ongoing medication administered at home and ensure that the school is kept up to date with changes as soon as they occur. This information will be placed on the school’s database so staff who need to access information in an emergency are fully informed.


If a child has been prescribed a course of antibiotics due to infection such as earache or tonsillitis, the School recommends children do not return to school until he/she is up to the rigors of the daily school routine.

If your child/ren require medication to be administered during school hours it should be administered to the child by a parent or parent’s representative whenever possible. If medication is to be given during school time by staff, School Policy requires written instructions regarding dosages and times. Medication Forms are available from the school office for parents/carers to complete. A “First Aid” Slip is filled in to ensure parents are made aware of any medication administered.

No form of medication should be left in the child’s possession.
Medicine must be kept in the office because of the high risk of the mediation being used inappropriately by the child concerned and/or by other children.


If a child suffers any Allergens information is required to be provided to the School at the time of Enrolment. An Action Plan for Anaphylaxis is contained in the Enrolment Form and will be updated at the beginning of the School year and/or as required. If a child requires an Epi-pen or any other medication, it is registered at the School Office and kept in the medication cupboard of the office. Epi-pens are kept in the first aid bag carried by the yard duty teacher. It is the Parent’s responsibility to keep the school informed of the child’s condition and his/her medical requirements.


If a child suffers Asthma information is required to be provided to the School at the time of Enrolment. An Asthma Action Plan is contained in the Enrolment Form and will be updated at the beginning of the School year and/or as required. If a child requires asthma medication, it is registered at the School Office and kept in the medication cupboard of the office. Ventolin and spacers are kept in first aid bag carried by the yard duty teacher. It is the Parent’s responsibility to keep the school informed of the child’s condition and his/her medical requirements.


There are a number of diseases that compulsorily (and legally) exclude children from school. Principals have a duty to protect the health of the general school population. Many infectious diseases require those with the disease to be excluded from attending school for specified amounts of time. Under the “Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations”, it is a requirement that the Parent/Guardian inform the School Principal if the child is infected with a certain disease or has been in contact with an infected person.

Infectious diseases that lead to exclusion include: Chickenpox, Conjunctivitis, Diphtheria, Giardiasis (diarrhoea), Hepatitis, Hepatitis B, Impetigo, Leprosy, Measles, Meningococcal Infection, Mumps, Pertussis (whooping cough), Pliomyelitis, Ringworm, Rotavirus, Rubella, Scabies, Shigella (diarrhoea), Streptococcal infection, Trachoma, Tuberculosis, Typhoid and Paratyphoid.

A notification slip is sent home to each family in a classroom when the school has been notified that a child has an infectious disease.


Parents are asked to check their children’s hair regularly for head lice. If discovered please notify the school immediately. The school is aware that this can be a sensitive issue and is committed to maintaining student confidentiality. In cases where head lice are found, the school will make appropriate contact with the Parents/Guardians/Carers.

Where permission is not given in writing, the child will be withdrawn from class until the parent has had the child’s hair checked for head lice. Permission for your consent to conduct head lice inspections is contained in the application for enrolment consent and policy agreements.